20 Questions with Bobby Brown (aka "Bobbo")

Nickname: "Uncle" Bobbo

Food: Sesame Chicken

Pet Peeve: Terrible with names!

Favorite Movie: The Godfather

Favorite TV Show: Gilligan's Island

Favorite Actor: Al Pacino

Favorite Actress: Jessica Lange

Favorite Song: "All You Need Is Love"

Favorite Singer: Beatles

Favorite Vacation: Big Bend

Hobby: Cooking

While The Song is Playing: Taking requests!

Pets: Two dogs - Welsh Corgi and hound dog

Favorite Team: Go Cowboys!

Best Book: Stephen King's THE TALISMAN

If I Was Not In Radio: Dunno...what's it pay?!

Fantasy Lunch With 3 People: Jesus, Mohammed, and Bill Maher - at the same table (wouldn't that be a hoot?)

Nobody Knows That I: Am an accomplished gourmet cook

Bobby Brown (aka "Bobbo")

Born in Waco, Texas, and reshuffled almost immediately to his lifelong hometown of Bowie, Bobby grew up as a product of a true "nuclear" family; and, as Bowie, Texas culture was (and still pretty much is) about twenty years behind the rest of the nation, his childhood in the Seventies probably more closely resembled that of bigger-town kids from the Fifties--think Beaver Cleaver with access to Mountain Dew and HBO.

Music was always a huge influence on young Bobbo: due to his father's lifelong involvement in various bands and stage shows (playing mandolin and guitar, and focusing on tournament Texas fiddle and steel guitar in later years), some of his earliest childhood experiences involved massive get-togethers of acoustic musicians "jamming" away on virtually every Saturday night of his young life. On the other hand, his mother, a devoted fan of Motown and early English "mod" Pop groups like the Beatles and Bee Gees formed some of his first memories of recorded music.

He first worked in Radio at his hometown station, K-BAN (later KRJT-FM), at the age of seventeen; after graduation from BHS, followed by completion of courses at the Columbia School of Broadcasting in Dallas, he worked in various markets and stations, and over time became known more familiarly as "Uncle Bobbo" on AND off the air (a name given him by his niece Leigha, who could not quite pronounce the name "Bobby").

Twenty-five years later, and after half-a-dozen or so jobs in the ever-changing commercial broadcast field, Bobbo returned to his hometown station, the place where it all started--now, however, he found a station with an immense library of "classic" Rock and Pop oldies, from the Doobie Brothers and Steely Dan to the Eagles, Beatles, and more. Latest reports indicate that old Uncle Bobbo is very much enjoying being immersed in styles of music dating back at least twenty years or so--think "Wonder Years," with access to the internet, smartphones, and Diet Mountain Dew.

Contact Bobbo: bobbo@kntxradio.com

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